Monday, January 6, 2014


When we got the green light to make over our kitchen, visions of retro grooviness started dancing in my head! The Jetsons, Brady Bunch, Mad Men: these were my inspirations. So I did a lot of research online on 1950s and '60s kitchens.

One thing that struck me about kitchens those days is how colorful they were! There were pink, yellow, green, blue, orange and red kitchens from the 1940s to the 1970s. White kitchens with sleek stainless steel accents and pops of color were also in vogue, if the ads in women's magazines were any indication. No beiges, grays, and stark whites like today.

One color that really stood out in vintage kitchens was turquoise. I loved the idea of a turquoise kitchen but thought it would be too hard to pull off without loads of money. But I couldn't stop thinking about it, and pictures like these didn't help:

A Family Circle model kitchen from 1963:

This 1960 Formica ad features adorable turquoise cupboards - LOVE!!

More adorable cupboards from the 1962 movie Boys' Night Out, with matching table and chairs (squee):

Another mid century kitchen with turquoise countertops and walls:

Aaaand let's not forget: turquoise appliances! In 1960 these were made by Hotpoint:

And last but not least, here's a groovy movie-set kitchen (from the film version of Speed Racer) based on real mid century kitchens:

Kitchen work is not always easy or fun, so why not have kitchens that lift our spirits and make us want to be in them? I wanted to just step into all these kitchens from the '50s and '60s and get my Betty Draper on!

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