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Showing posts with label ikea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ikea. Show all posts

Sunday, February 9, 2014


When the Ikea installation people came to put in our new kitchen, I just had to take a pic!

The kitchen designer had told us everything would probably be done in a day, but it took three days. Made me kind of glad we didn't have a big kitchen!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Kitchen cabinets of the past were so simple, with their plain slab doors, you'd think they'd be affordable today. Nope. Those ones were the most $$$$. The only cabinets we could sort of afford were the ugly ones, you know, like in your very first apartment where the former tenants got evicted for reasons involving a whole lot of cops.

Then we thought: why not try Ikea??? We love just about everything there, so why not their kitchen cabinets? So I researched them online and found out they had a pretty great rep! Seriously! And everyone IRL who had Ikea kitchens loved them too. Sold!

Plus, they were having a kitchen saaaale -- cue choirs of angels singing on high! 

We visited their kitchen department and the first thing I saw was their catalog, with this photo inside:

It was like getting a $1000 gift card to the Christian Louboutin store, hand-delivered by Idris Elba and Tom Hiddleston. Okay, okay, not that awesome, but still pretty awesome, especially because they were also affordable!

I made changes, though: in our kitchen the wood grain cabinets were to be on the bottom, and the ivory ones on top. This, because I read someplace that light-colored cabinets would draw the eye up, making the room seem bigger and brighter. Whatever. Our pokey little kitchen needed all the help it could get.

Man, Ikea: making non-rich people's dreams come true! Seriously though, to this day I'm grateful for whoever decided to plop down an Ikea within driving distance. Our fantasy of a non-ugly kitchen seemed actually doable!